Month: June 2002


“Dog owners are not mushrooms – we don’t need to be kept in the dark and thrown manure from time to time! “ Myth No. 1 Vaccines protect our dogs against disease, helping to ensure they live long, healthy, happy lives. Wrong! Vaccines only sometimes protect our dogs against disease (if at all). …


At the recent American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association Conference, I discovered that I am not the only one questioning the use of grains in commercial and home-prepared pet foods. Grains, such as oats, wheat, rice, barley, etc, are composed mostly of complex carbohydrates. They also contain some protein, fiber, B-vitamins …

Puebla Mexico GSD Show

The term Pre-Colombian refers to artifacts and cultures that existed in the New World (Western Hemisphere) before the arrival of Christopher Columbus, a.k.a. Christobal Colombo, a.k.a. C. Colón. It has been my great pleasure to judge and lecture in such places that have pre-Colombian art and architecture, from the Caribbean’s …

The Enemy Within

(One woman’s fight against GSD Myelopathy and the apathy of the GSDCA) August 4, 1998 Perhaps I have led a charmed life, for nothing in my life could have prepared me, on that infamous day, for having to euthanize my companion of 13 years, my sweet German Shepherd Dog, Jack Flash. I knew Jack was …