2013 Requirements for Participation at Breed Surveys

2013 Requirements for Participation at Breed Surveys

2013 Körordnung SV Breed Survey Rules)

1. General

2. SV and the Nature of the Körung (Survey)

2.1 Köramt (HQ survey office)
2.2 The Körmeister (breed survey master)
2.3 Administration — regional club jurisdiction
2.4 Körzeit (calendar dates for survey)
2.5 Legal issues

3. Requirements for Breed Survey Participation

4. Activity & Conduct of the Local Clubs

4.1. Requirements for the local club
4.2. Equipment
4.3. Survey manager’s duties

5. Registering for the Breed Survey

6. At the Survey (Ankörung)

6.1 Temperament test
6.2 Gunsureness test
6.3 Protection [courage] test
6.4 Measurements: heights, weights, etc.
6.5 Standing exam and movement evaluation
6.6 Reports, Confirmations

7. Körung Timing

7.1 Re-survey for Final Rating
7.2 Postponing for One Year
7.3 Unsuitability
7.4 Lifetime or length of time Körung is effective
7.5 Completion of the Breed Survey

8. Survey Certificates and Record Book


The Verein für Deutsche Shäferhunde (SV) e.V. [Club for GSDs Inc.] is the parent club for the breed, and has responsibility for it and its Standard, which is acknowledged by the German (VDH) and international (FCI) Kennel Clubs. The Körordnung [breed survey regulations] of the SV serve the advancement of the controlled breeding of the German Shepherd Dog breed in both varieties: the “Stockhaar” [straight-haired, medium length topcoat] and the “Langstockhaar” [longer topcoat but likewise with undercoat]. These regulations include the overall breed survey. They are a permanent part of the SV rules, and obligatory for all members. The purpose of the Körordnung is to select from the breed registry a number of dogs which in their character, performance, and anatomical construction appear to be suitable for the conservation and improvement of the breed.

SV – Nature of the Survey

2.1 Köramt (Survey Office at SV Headquarters)

The Köramt [breed survey office at the SV headquarters in Augsburg] prepares the annual survey scheme (deadlines, subsidiary local clubs, active Körmeisters (breed survey officials in Germany), survey regions, etc.). All evaluation reports from the various districts (called Ortsgruppe or Landesgruppe) are recorded in that office, and are examined and documented for form and accuracy. The Köramt produces the survey certificates (Körscheine) and annually publishes all surveyed dogs in the breed survey record book (Körbuch).

2.2 The Körmeister (SV’s Breed Survey Master/Official)

For the implementation of the breed survey the SV requires experienced conformation judges as Körmeisters. These judges have no legal right to annual employment in breed surveys. The choice and employment of the Körmeister is done by the respective Landesgruppen (regions). The jurisdiction of arranging for these teacher-helpers for the breed surveys lies with each Landesgruppe’s executive committee.

2.3 Survey Administration — Regional Club Jurisdiction

The regional and/or local jurisdiction of the breed survey shall be delegated by the SV headquarters to the regional and/or local-club personnel.

2.4 Time of Survey

The survey season [in Germany] extends from the 1st of March to the 30th of November each year. The presentation of a dog for the breed survey is possible once in this period, providing the regulations as to the courage test in section 6.3 are not affected.

2.5 Legal Issues

2.5.1 The owner of a dog scheduled for the survey’s tests must be a current member of the SV. This also applies for persons who present the dog for the survey. The eligibility of the dog ends if the owner’s SV membership status ends.

2.5.2 Survey Jurisdiction
The location of the dog’s residence determines which breed survey it participates in (where the Körung is performed); that is, in the owner’s region (Landesgruppe). Local club (Ortsgruppe) membership determines which region that is. If a person holds membership in several local clubs, regional membership is determined by the main place of residence. Members who belong to no local clubs are assigned to a region based on principal place of residence. Breed survey masters (Körmeisters) are free to choose or approve of Körung locations in all regional groups.

2.5.3 A dog that is the property of a person listed as being permanently barred/suspended from the studbook can neither be shown in a breed survey by him personally nor by any other person.

2.5.4 The decision of the acting Körmeister is final. An objection against it is not permitted. 2.5.5 At the survey of a dog, any and all legal action by the party involved (owner) resulting from any decision regarding any dog at an Ankörungsentscheidung (breed survey decision) or any Abkörungsentscheidung (performance test decision) will explicitly not be allowed.

2.5.6 Responsibility: The owner of a dog is responsible for any damage attributable to his dog.

3. Requirements for Participation at Breed Surveys

3.1 For the Dogs:

  • The Körung is appropriate only for German Shepherd Dogs registered in the breed book of the SV, and which have coats classified as “Stockhaar” or “Langstockhaar mit Unterwolle” (translation: “straight topcoat hair” or “long straight topcoat” — both requiring wooly undercoat). In the year of the Körung they must be at least two years old;
  • Proof of at least 80 points in section C of an IP-1 Prüfung (trial performance) under an SV Leistungsrichter (performance judge), or earned in a herding trial under an SV HGH judge, or in an RH-2 [advanced Rettungshund search-and-rescue dog] test. All of these will include a courage and protection phase;
  • Proof of an AD examination under an SV judge;
  • ‘a’-stamp for hips, shown in the Ahnentafel [certified SV pedigree. Translator’s note: an equivalent issued in another country where the dog resides is satisfactory];
  • ED stamp for elbows also in the Ahnentafel (if born after 01.01.2004, was required, starting with the 2008 show season);
  • Proof of a minimum quality evaluation of “Good” under an SV judge.

Further conditions:

  • Sick dogs may not be shown;
  • The Körmeister must be informed of bitches in season; this determines when that dog will participate;
  • The dog must be identifiable in regard to a legible tattoo, microchip reading, etc. (only microchip data for dogs born after a certain date a few years ago)

4. Activity of the Local Clubs

4.1 Requirements for the Local Club:

  • Large training ground with ancillary premises and sanitary facilities
  • Trained members in sufficient number
  • Typewriter or word processor.

4.2 The Club Must Have or Obtain:

  • Assistant (steward) and a secretary for the Körmeister
  • Sufficiently large ring
  • Public address system
  • SV-approved measuring devices [for height at withers, depth of chest, etc.]
  • Tape measure [for circumference of chest, etc.]
  • Weight scale [and a firm flat surface for this and the above two]
  • 2 starter’s pistols with sufficient ammunition
  • Number vests for the dog handlers.

4.3 Duties and Responsibilities of the Kör (Survey) Manager:

  • Timely delivery of the registration forms
  • Examination of documents for completeness and accuracy
  • Information given to the Körmeister regarding the receipt and standing of the entries
  • Establishing a catalog-like list of contestants and their dogs and bitches, for repeat and new breed surveys
  • Submission of the individual dogs’ examined documents to the Körmeister before the beginning of the breed survey
  • Confirmation of entrants’ SV memberships

5. Registering for the Breed Survey

The entry for the breed survey has to be received by the local Kör managers at least seven days before the scheduled survey as indicated in the survey announcement and entry form. By the day of the breed survey at the latest, the following documents are to be presented:

  1. Original Ahnentafel [official SV pedigree and performance record]
  2. Conformation show cards and scorebook
  3. If at the repeat survey, the first survey’s certificate (Körschein)
  4. Proof of completion of any specified requirements remaining from the first survey

The maximum number of dogs admitted for one breed survey day is 50. In case of an entry of more than 50 dogs a further survey day (or half-day) is to be added on the same weekend. [In practice, preference is normally given to dogs going for their Lebenzeit (second and lifetime) survey.]

6. At the Survey (Ankörung)

6.1 Temperament Test

Each dog is to be subjected a temperament test by the Körmeister. The examination of the dog’s character can be made during the over-all breed survey. According to the Standard, the dog has stable character, i.e., in particular he is impartial and unaffected, self-assured, with firm nerves, and is amiable and peaceful.

6.2 Gunsureness Test

From a distance of at least 15 steps, at least two shots are to be fired from a 6 mm (or .22 caliber) starter’s pistol; the dog has to behave indifferently [is not bothered, cowed, or nervous because of it… joyfully expecting to do bitework, such as when a whip is cracked with similar sound, is O.K.].

6.3 Protection/Courage Test (valid since 2012)

For the judging of the protection phase of trials [the courage test], a trained breed survey master (Körmeister) is used. He is available as a teacher-assistant to help in the protection phase of trials [courage test] in his Landesgruppe.


I. The Attack [Dog Protects Owner from Attack]

  1. The handler reports with his accompanying dog to the Körmeister [who is acting as judge].
  2. Upon an indication from the judge, the dog handler with his dog on leash walks 25 meters in the direction of the hiding-place, [and stops at] the designated starting place.
  3. The leash is [removed and] draped around the handler or put in his pocket.
  4. Upon another signal from the judge, the dog handler proceeds with his dog heeling off-lead, in the direction of the hidden helper.
  5. The dog must heel closely to a mark that is found 7 meters before the hiding-place. Repeated verbal commands are allowed during this heeling, but touching is not allowed. If the handler has reached this mark with his off-leash heeling dog, the helper (upon signal from the judge) undertakes a running attack as if to drive away the handler-and-dog team. If the dog charges toward the blind [canvass hiding-place] before the signal [that the judge gives to the helper to show himself in attack mode], no attack on the helper is to be made [the helper will stand still]. The handler-and-dog team now are allowed up to two more attempts, starting again at the 7-meter mark. If the dog cannot be managed despite three attempts at heeling off-leash up to this point when the helper comes out of the blind to attack, the faulty courage test is interrupted (ended) for want of obedience. In such a case, the dog may subsequently participate (try again) in the same year at another breed survey after the SV returns the breed survey document to the owner. In such cases of lacking obedience, such a dog is allowed no more than three chances per calendar year to try again to pass the test.
  6. The dog must avert the attack immediately, surely, and energetically, grabbing the attacker with a firm (steady), full-mouth bite.
  7. When the dog has grasped, it receives from the helper two blows with a padded stick upon thighs, sides, or the area of the withers.
  8. The dog handler is allowed to verbally encourage the dog in its defense of the attack.
  9. Upon an order from the judge, the helper discontinues the attack and stands still.
  10. At that point, the dog must let go of the sleeve independently or upon an audible signal from the handler to do so (“Aus!”) and stop the attack [but remain watchful].
  11. The dog handler waits to get the order from the judge to approach his dog.
  12. He leashes his dog and, upon signal or order from the judge, proceeds with his dog to another blind designated by the breed survey master [it is at the further end of the field].

II. Defense of an Attack (Ambush) with Lauerstellung

(liberally translated as the attacker running at the team from a distance):

  1. The dog handler will be told by the judge to come out from that second blind and take an assigned position (at the center far end of the field). [The leash is removed and pocketed or looped around the handler.]
  2. The dog is held off-leash, by the collar.
  3. The dog has to hold this position, until it is directed, by the handler’s audible signal “Voran!” (“Forward!”), to defend with an attack.
  4. Upon a signal from the judge, the helper leaves his hiding place at the other end of the field, takes approximately 70 to 80 normal steps, then turns toward the dog-handler team, still at a normal pace.
  5. The handler demands that the helper stop by calling something like “You! Stop there!”
  6. The helper disregards this warning, and commences a [running, threatening] frontal attack on the dog and handler.
  7. Immediately upon the helper starting his threatening charge toward the team, the judge gives the dog handler the signal to send his dog for their defense.
  8. The dog handler immediately gives his dog the audible signal “Voran!” again, while remaining in place himself.
  9. The dog must run at the intruder, then very eagerly and energetically grab the attacker with firm, full, sure, and steady grip and thus avert the threat on his owner or handler.
  10. If the dog has gripped, the helper must press (push toward and threaten) the dog without striking it this time. Then, as instructed by the judge, the helper discontinues the struggle.
  11. Thereupon the dog has to let go independently and/or upon the audible signal “Aus!” and must hold the helper by threat.
  12. Upon a signal from the judge, the dog handler approaches his dog at a normal pace and in a direct way, and attaches the leash.
  13. The dog handler heels his dog to the judge, to report to him [giving his and his dog’s names] before leaving the field.

III. Identity Control:

Before the team departs from the field, a Körmeister or an assistant authorized by an SV judge must note the registered tattoo and/or microchip number.

IV. The Appraisal/Evaluation

1. The Release of the Bite/Grip

1.1. After discontinuance of the attack, the dog has to “let out” (release) independently.
1.2. The dog handler can independently give the first voice command, “Aus!” after an appropriate time.
1.3. If the dog did not release after the first voice command, the dog handler receives the order or signal from the judge for up to two further audible commands to let go of the sleeve.
1.4. When giving the “Aus!” command, the handler must stand steady, without otherwise directing the dog.
1.5. If the name of the dog is used, that will be considered as a separate command to release [let go of the sleeve].
1.6. If the dog independently releases [“outs”] when the handler approaches to retrieve it, this also can be considered as a legitimate release. The dog handler however must be at least five steps away from the dog.
1.7. If the dog, either independently or upon audible signals, properly outs in the first attack [from the blind] and also in the [long] attack “from ambush” it receives the official notation of lässt ab (“lets out”).
1.8. If this “out” does not happen, even if the dog in only a single instance does not receive the notation of “lässt ab.” Instead, the notation “lässt nicht ab” (does not out). The breed survey cannot be continued in this case. Such a dog may again participate at a breed survey in the same year, but only after return of the Körunterlagen (record of this day’s result) to the owner. After an incident of not “outing,” three additional attempts at most may be made in the calendar year, whether the dog fails the survey because of lacking obedience or not “outing.”
1.9. The Körmeister places himself near the dog handler during the entire courage test, and intensely observes the conduct of dog and handler up to the conclusion—the picking up of the dog at the end.

2. Appraisal of Triebveranlung, Selbstsicherheit und Belastbarkeit (TSB) [Drive, Self-confidence and Ability to Handle Stress]

2.1 The overall rating awarded for the courage test will be one of these graded evaluations: “pronounced,” “sufficient,” or “insufficient.”
2.2 Pronounced (Ausgeprägt): Self-confident, very eager, purposeful, with sure grasp and retention of the grip; no negative reactions to the blows; close and attentive watching in the guarding phase.
2.3 Sufficient [or “present”] (Vorhanden): A little limitation [or less eagerness], such as in the areas of self-confidence, determination, the grip, and reaction to the stick, as well as in the guarding phase.
2.4. Insufficient [or “not good enough”] (Nicht genügend): Lacking in self-confidence, very limited concerning ability to handle stress, and/or lacking in focus on the helper.

Supplemental determinations for the courage test at the German Sieger Show (an addendum):

  1. Assisting and at the disposal of the Körmeister or Leistungsrichter for the courage test at the Sieger Show in Germany (Bundessiegerzuchtschau) are teacher-assistants as aides.
  2. Announcement of the respective results is to be given over the microphone directly after completion of each courage test.
  3. Upon completion of the courage test, the tattoo number or scanned microchip is confirmed by a judge authorized by the SV office. The judge will be made available by the Landesgruppe having jurisdiction in the region where the Sieger Show is being held.

6.4 Measurements and Weights

The measurements for weight, depth of chest and chest diameter can be taken by the Körleiter [a person chosen by judge and club to be in charge of the process] or his authorized helper; the measurement of height at withers is taken by the Körmeister himself.

6.5 Standing Exam and Movement Evaluation

During this inspection the Körmeister prepares the Körbericht (breed survey report). The dog is to be presented to him for this exam without substantial help [hand-posing, etc.].

6.6 Reports, Confirmations

After the conclusion of the respective breed survey of each dog, the Körmeister gives his report on the loudspeaker. The owner of the dog will receive from the breed survey manager a confirmation signed by the Körmeister. This contains the results of the breed survey and the evidence that it and the pedigree and/or Registrierbescheinigung (registry supplement) will have been sent to the SV headquarters.

7. The Breed Survey (Körung) Process

The breed survey is the supreme qualification process; that is, the method by which dogs are selected to carry on the breed. Breed surveys select dogs that correspond to ideal picture of the breed in the following respects:

a) in size, weight, and build according to the Standard with only minor anatomical limitations;
b) in character; that is, self-assured and good-natured. And in the areas of drive, desire, self-confidence and ability to handle stress, earn the rating of “pronounced” or “present” (ausgeprägt or vorhanden);
c) with withers height no more than 1 cm oversized or undersized;
d) having flawless, complete dentures; double first premolars are permissible, as is the absence of up to two first premolars, or one first premolar plus an incisor, or one second premolar, or a slight pincer bite of the two middle incisors [two in upper jaw meeting the two in the lower that way].

7.1 Re-survey for Final Rating

The possibility remains open for the owner of a dog in a breed survey (first or subsequent Körung) to try again—at the earliest, in the subsequent year—for a re-survey by the same Körmeister. An upgrade is only permissible with consent of the Körmeister, who determines that the dog has made the improvement for the second survey. The dog is allowed only one chance at a desired Körklasse upgrade from the previous survey.

7.2 The Deferment (Postponement) of One Year is Given:

a) if the body has not yet developed as expected in order to permit a re-survey;
b) if in the conduct of the dog, or during the examination for fighting drive, self-confidence, and hardness (TSB), a status of being qualified for breeding (meeting Kör requirements) has not yet been reached;
c) The postponement per 7.2 a) and b) is because a reevaluation is possible only once. A dog unsuccessful the second time is not suitable for the purpose of the survey (which is, to determine breed worthiness).

7.3 Unsuitability for the Körung (The following defects exclude a dog from the breed survey):

a) Considerable anatomical defects;
b) Oversize or undersize of more than 1 cm;
c) Testicle abnormality [missing, unequal size];
d) Any of the following dentition defects [also see chart at the end of this document]:
An absence of

  • one P-3 [third premolar] or
  • two incisors or
  • one P-2 plus one incisor or
  • one P-2 plus one P-1 or
  • two P-2s

e) Dogs with considerable pigment faults
f) Longcoated dogs (Langhaar or Langstockhaar) that are lacking undercoat.

7.4 Lifetime (Length of time Körung is Effective)

7.4.1 The new breed survey and the survey after interruption [i.e., if the repeat is not done in time] are good for two years at most. By the end of the second calendar year (Kör season) of the time the survey is good for, the dog must be presented for the second survey.

7.4.2 The second survey results are for life (“Lebenzeit”).

7.4.3 A Körklasse upgrade does not extend the original time limit.

7.5 Completion of the Breed Survey: If a surveyed dog does not make the second survey, the original breed survey ends with the conclusion of that calendar year. [Must start all over again.]

7.5.1 The breed survey ends if the surveyed dog is sold to a non-member, except that the buyer is given up to three months to join the SV.

7.5.2 The term for a breed survey of a dog whose owner is excluded from the SV as a result of a club’s criminal proceedings ends with the day on which the expulsion decree attains legal force.

7.5.3 The breed survey can be terminated—become invalid—through the process of revocation. This comes about through a recommendation made by a Körmeister or conformation judge to the Köramt [survey office at SV HQ]. A “hold” can be put on the process of recording the survey results for whatever time is necessary to iron out any possible problems.

8. Survey Certificates and Survey Record Book:

For a fee, a certificate (Körschein) for the breed-surveyed dog is prepared by the Köramt [survey office at the SV headquarters]. It will take some weeks for this and the original pedigree and/or registry supplement to be returned to the owner of the dog after the breed survey summary is added. The owners of dogs not successful at the survey likewise get back their original pedigree after the processing time. On the pedigree or supplement, the reason for the non-survey is noted.
These dogs are annually listed in the SV’s survey record book [Körbuch] by coat variety (Normal, Langhaar or Langstockhaar) [detailed above] and by sex. The Körbuch includes a statement about the dog’s classification, such as “recommended for breeding” or “suitable for breeding.” These concern anatomical construction as well as character. With the statements by the Körmeisters about breeding recommendations, this makes an inclusive and indispensable reference book for the earnest breeder.

On the effective date of these survey rules (2013), all earlier versions become invalid.

This concludes the rules for the breed survey (Körung). This translation is prepared and copyrighted by Fred Lanting. All rights reserved, but permission to reproduce will be granted if approved information re books or biography is appended to any such publication (See example below).

Fred Lanting

Fred Lanting is an internationally respected show judge, approved by many registries as an all-breed judge, has judged numerous countries’ Sieger Shows and Landesgruppen events, and has many years experience as one of only two SV breed judges in the US. He presents seminars and consults worldwide on such topics as Gait-&-Structure, HD and Other Orthopedic Disorders, and The GSD. He conducts annual non-profit sightseeing tours of Europe, centered on the Sieger Show (biggest breed show in the world) and BSP.

Books by Fred Lanting