2004 Lanting Sieger Show Tour – Part 1

by Rebecca Wong The 2004 Lanting Sieger Show Tour was wonderful experience. We had a group of great dog people, great bonhomie and we learned a great deal from traveling together. Born in Hawaii, I left the islands at age 20 and I never saw much reason to vacation anywhere else! Going to Europe was …

2004 Lanting Sieger Show Tour – Part 2

Continued from Part 1 Sunday: the Finals On Sunday, we hurried back to show to grab good seats in the stadium where the finals of each class were held. The finals of the youth classes featured both sexes gaiting simultaneously on their separate halves of the stadium field. In the middle of the field, …

The Changing Face of China

I have been a China watcher for a long time. During “The War” I thrilled to the news of the Flying Tigers and other units that helped defend China, and for years prayed with my Christian-school classmates for the American missionaries who were hiding, first from the Japanese invaders and later from the Communists who …

The Shoulder in the Working Dog

Dog breeds are usually grouped—often arbitrarily or erroneously—into from five to ten categories based on function, superficial appearance, or geographical origin, depending on the registry organization. Just because it may make more sense to assign them to groups based primarily on ancestry and then on historical function, does not mean that such will be the …

The Dog That Could Not Swim.

Revised December 2011. To claim that a particular dog cannot swim is akin to saying that one knows of a certain duck that cannot float. But it was my singular fate to have bred and trained such an animal. I speak of the dog, of course, since the only ducks I have ever come close …