OUCH! Does your pup leave teeth marks on your hands from play? A young dog often tries to play with his human family the same way he would play with other dogs. It is natural for dogs to use their mouths to explore and investigate things. Puppies playing together in a litter use their mouths …


(Inappropriate greeting behavior) First of all, let’s look at this from the dog’s point of view. Fido is so happy to see you, and he naturally wants to get close to your face, so he does what comes naturally — he jumps up. And guess what – chances are, he has been rewarded many times …


First of all, recognize that you have an obligation to prevent problems by using good management of the environment. A puppy sees the whole world as her chew toy. You need to puppy proof the area where your young dog will be, and to provide appropriate chew toys for her. This is a prevention exercise. …


Dogs dig for a variety of reasons — to bury or recover bones, dig up prey, to make cooling pits and even as means of escape from a boring environment. But the main reason is that it is FUN. Digging passes the time of day when there is nothing better to do. We have to …


Management is another word for controlling the environment. It involves making changes in your dog’s immediate living conditions and situations. Management will help you to PREVENT some problems from happening, especially with a puppy or young dog. You also decrease the likelihood of a recurring behavior problem developing. If your puppy never gets the opportunity …


Almost any dog will bite under the right circumstances. Some dogs have a fear of small children – especially if they have not had lots of pleasant interactions with kids. Most dogs are wary of staring, of quick movements, and of high-pitched screams, all of which are typical of small children. Some dogs are naturally …