
Got Fleas? 7 Easy Ways To Get Rid Of Them

Fleas are pesky critters that can transmit a variety of diseases and illnesses and make life miserable for your pet as well. Getting rid of these pests is essential for a healthy, happy home for all of its two-legged and four-legged inhabitants. Here are seven easy ways to prevent and control the flea population around …

Puppy care tips

Puppies try to jump at anything and everything during their first year of life. It is worth knowing that this behavior will remain the same when the puppy grows into am adult dog. If you want your dog to keep on jumping on guests, then it is fine to let the puppy jump at you …

We all love a well behaved dog

All of us remember our first puppy when we were kids. Bringing them home as they are crawling all over your lap. Licking your face with their cute little pink tongues. Of course what we remember as kids with our first dog is a lot different from what our parents remember about that time. As …

Crates and Housebreaking

Why use a crate? I certainly wouldn’t want to spend hours locked up in area barely big enough to stand up and turn around in. BUT — I am not a dog, and neither are you. A dog is a den animal. If you look at where your dog chooses to spend his sleeping time, …