Looking for a gift item for your veterinarian or “doggie” friends?

Großes neues Buch für selbst oder für Freunde, die Hunde besitzen
ISBN 0-9764685-0-6 Copyright 2005 by Fred Lanting.

It’s here! The long-awaited expanded revision of the popular HD book by Fred Lanting is finished (the first one, published in 1980, sold 10,000 copies!). This “Canine Hip Dysplasia and Other Orthopedic Disorders” book is a comprehensive (nearly 600 pages!), amply illustrated, annotated, monumental work that is suitable as a coffee-table book, a reference work for breeders and veterinarians, and a study adjunct for veterinary students. It is equally valuable for the dog trainer and the general dog owner of any breed, as there is no breed that does not have some sort of orthopedic, bone, or spinal disorder. Do not confuse it with the out-of-print 1980 work, which was much smaller. The new book covers every aspect of HD and other disorders, including genetics, diagnostic methods, treatment options, and the role that environment plays.

The author has been studying and teaching this subject since 1966, including lecturing at numerous veterinary schools and breeders’ convocations in some 30 countries throughout the world. He has been described by a former OFA director as the world’s leading non-veterinarian authority on hip dysplasia. He has been a dog breeder since 1945, a GSD owner since 1947, and a show judge since 1979.

Don’t wait! Be informed. Postal money orders or cashier’s checks are fast but may be expensive. If in Canada, send your U.S.-Federal-Reserve-approved money order or an international postal money order to: Willow Wood, 3565 Parches Cove, Union Grove, Alabama 35175-8422 USA. Other foreign buyers may prefer payment by PayPal — that can be arranged for a variable extra charge. However, Moneygram is by far the easiest and most economical method: . Your First-Edition copy will be mailed as soon as the appropriate amount is received and is processed. All will be mailed from the USA.

Pricing: US $68, plus $5 postage in the U.S., or $** for surface mail overseas. Foreign purchasers can save on postage by having several books mailed to one address. Order several copies to one address, and save considerably on postage.
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Combine orders with “The Total German Shepherd Dog” by the same author 17 of its 20 chapters are applicable to all breeds.

($50 plus postage as outlined above).

All rights reserved.

The author is an SV conformation judge and an all-breed judge for several USA & international registries.