The Do’s and Don’t of Puppy Potty Training

Like most new pet owners, I’m sure that you are dreading potty training your puppy. Potty training is the first step that needs to be mastered, when you undertake the grueling task of training your puppy. It is very important for your puppy to master this skill at an early age. Crate training is a very effective way to housebreak your puppy. Unfortunately most, people misunderstand the appropriate method of crate training, and the benefits that it will bring you. Your dog will view the crate as his space, his refuge, and his retreat from the strange world of humans.

Before you undertake this important training exercise, you need to consider the size of the crate that you are going to buy. The crate should be big enough to hold your puppy until he reaches his full size. However, you should also keep in mind that if the crate is to large your puppy might want to take care of his business in the end of the crate that is not being occupied. Some of crate manufactures have crates with divider panels, that will allow you can expand the size of the crate as your dog begins to fully develop.

Night time crate training can prove to be a very difficult and daunting task at first, but don’t worry. When you are potty training puppies, they will probably relive themselves when they see you in the morning. Don’t get frustrated! Puppies have a very difficult time holding their bladder until they are about 9 months old.

Even though crate training is a great way of housebreak your puppy, you shouldn’t leave your dog confined in such a small area for long periods time. If your job permits, you should go home during your lunch hour and allow your puppy to relive himself. If this is not an option for you, their are pet services that will do this for you.

It is not healthy for your pet to hold his bladder all day long.

This can cause serious bladder, or kidney problems latter on in your puppies life.

When ever you are at home you should leave the door on the crate open, when your puppy is not being confined. By doing this not only are you house breaking your puppy, you are also creating a save haven for your puppy to retreat to, along with a comfortable sleeping area.

Whenever an accident happens in the House (and believe me they will) don’t use crate to punish your dog. If your dog does relives himself in the house, take the dog and put his nose down to the mess, and not in it. Then in a stern but firm voice scold the dog and take him directly outside. You should avoid yelling, or screaming no to your dog at all costs. Screaming, or yelling no at your puppy will cause your puppy to associate going to bathroom with doing something wrong. When your puppy dose go to the bathroom outside, praise him and give him a treat. This will reinforce what you are teaching your puppy, and he will learn that he is doing a good thing.

Don’t forget that it is very important to keep your puppies crate clean. Even though the crate is your puppies space, there are going to be some jobs that you are going to have to perform on your best friends behalf. By regular cleaning and disinfecting your puppies crate you will be protecting him from germs that could cause an illness, as well as unwanted smells.

For more information, see these other articles:

Crates and Housebreaking

Important Tips to Help You Successfully Housebreak Your Puppy