

I was sitting down to write an article for the Los Angeles County GSDC so they might be a little better prepared for my judging their show Apr. 25, 1999, but then realized most exhibitors will not be members and would not see the newsletter. Thus, I am offering this to any and all. If …

What is a Breed Survey?

For most people involved in the sport of Schutzhund, breeding is a secondary priority to training for and obtaining titles. Those with females may breed one litter a year, while the males may be used mainly for breeding to bitches within the same geographic area. Regardless of whether you are an active breeder producing multiple …

The 1997 WUSV German Shepherd Dog Standard

FCI Standard #166; (1997); replaces 23 March, 1991 edition FCI. Classification: Group 1 – Guardian and Driving dogs; Section 1 – Shepherds’ dogs with working titles. Versatile use: Guardian and Service (Working) Dog Short historic overview: Since the official establishment in Augsburg, within the German Canine Association known as the VDH (German “Kennel Club”), the …

Körordnung (Breed Survey Rules)

June 1997 SV revision 1. General The Verein für Deutsche Shäferhunde (SV) e.V. [Club for GSDs Inc.] is the parent club for the breed, and has responsibility for it and its Standard, which is acknowledged by the German (VDH) and international (FCI) Kennel Clubs. The Körordnung (breed survey regulations) of the SV serve the advancement …

DDR Sieger & Siegerin

1949 – 1989 1949 Sieger: Roland vom Teglerforst SchH.3 SZ 598810 Nando vom Teglerforst SZ 515181 Arnia von Lohrheim SZ 553844 10-12-44 grM 1949 Siegerin: Bora aus der Wirkerstadt SchH.2 SZ 580885 Cuno vom Wickrather Schloss SZ 543047 Gustel vom Meisterrecht SZ 539379 04-09-43 sgA 1950 Sieger: Utz vom Haus Hiller SchH.3 SZ 638869 Claus …