
The Head of the German Shepherd Dog

The issue of what is a correct head comes up every once in a while. I believe the reason is because the percentage of newer people in the sport and breed increases and changes steadily, and they often come into the family without proper tutoring by knowledgeable elders or sufficient study of their own. The …

The Art of Critiquing a Dog

In some registries and countries, the dog show judge is expected or required to critique the entries—at least, the top-placing dogs in each or some classes. A critique is supposed to be a description of the dog that gives spectators and readers a good idea of the salient features of the dog and the reasons …

2013 Requirements for Participation at Breed Surveys

2013 Requirements for Participation at Breed Surveys 2013 Körordnung SV Breed Survey Rules) 1. General 2. SV and the Nature of the Körung (Survey) 2.1 Köramt (HQ survey office) 2.2 The Körmeister (breed survey master) 2.3 Administration — regional club jurisdiction 2.4 Körzeit (calendar dates for survey) 2.5 Legal issues 3. Requirements for Breed Survey …

2012 Sieger Show Impressions

For most of the decades that I have been attending the Sieger Show in Germany, I have shared my impressions with you readers. My guided tours (and thus the reports) have included the sights of the countryside we explore, and the kennels and clubs we visit, as well as my opinions of the dogs. My …

Estonia Sieger Show 2007

It truly was a great pleasure for me to lecture in Estonia in mid-spring of 2007, and to judge part of their Sieger Show. Exhibitors came from all over the Baltic region: Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Sweden, and I believe a few from Russia (handled by Russians, if not). As one of two SV judges, I …

Murder and Mayhem in the Dog World

As a kid during the war (the big one) I used to read comic books and later watch movies with Charlie Chan (no relation to Jackie) that had mistaken ideas of the way Chinese talked and acted, no doubt holdovers from the fabricated fancies of the late 19th-Century novels about building the railroads in the …