
Dogs in Korea

Hardly had I recovered from jet lag after returning from an assignment in China, when I started the grueling travel mode again. As usual with my Asian assignments, it was more than 32 hours from bed to bed, with no sleep possible (for me) on any airplane. But this time the venue was Korea, and …

2007 Sieger Show Impressions

As always, my report on the international German Shepherd Dog “Sieger Show”, the main event for the breed that is held annually in Germany, consists of two parts, and you might only see part of the whole “picture”, depending on what magazine or website you are reading this on. Editors sometimes must edit, you know! …

Three shows in Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Revised December 2011. Travel broadens one, they say. While that epithet was meant to refer to the mind, it has a döuble-entendre for me, in that it tends to broaden my waistline as well. As a roving technical representative for some 30 years, I had opportunity to “wine and dine” on company (expense account) money, …

Will the True Working Dog Disappear?

Revised 2012. As most of you know, I have been involved with the German Shepherd Dog since 1947 as a trainer, breeder, judge, author, and teacher. My love for the breed is unquestionable and I count it an honor to have fought for its welfare and preservation for all these years. In my zeal for …

The Gap Widens

In the German Shepherd Dog world, and echoed elsewhere, we have long heard (and voiced) complaints about the schism that exists between the “show” (Hochzuchtlinie or high-breeding) lines and the “sport” or working-competition (Leistungs) lines. I’ll speak to the issue of the non-standard (AKC, Alsatian) styles elsewhere, but first I intend to discuss the continued …

Impressions of the 2006 Sieger Show and Tour

Karthago Kennels of Artur Kemmer. Standing: Rob Blok (Hawaii, USA), Herr Kemmer, Fazal & Ariane Rahman (Trinidad), Colleen Hansen (Ontario Canada), John Lanting (USA), Jim Philson Sr. (Hawaii), Kristine Dewey, Joe Wong, Pam & John Rody (USA); Front row: Jim Philson Jr. (Hawaii), Fred Lanting, Esther Chai (UK), Frau Kemmer, Paul Espiritu …

2005 Sieger Show in Ulm Impressions

It was my great pleasure to again lead a successful tour of Bavaria and a little bit of Austria, the occasion being the annual Sieger Show of the SV, the largest specialty show in the world, with typical spectator attendance of around 40,000. The largest was the 100th anniversary in 1989 with 50,000 people and …